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Avoid SCIF Accreditation Pitfalls
A SCIF is not a SCIF until it gets accredited, and a SCIF doesn't get accredited until all technical and policy objectives are met. Construction or establishment of a SCIF is dependent upon many factors beyond the physical construction features of the facility. Establishing a SCIF must also take into consideration operational security (OPSEC), “Inspectable Space” and Security in Depth (SID) requirements.
Choosing the Right Modular SCIF Vendor
Modular SCIFs are now more frequently the preferred solution over traditional construction, which makes it more important than ever to understand the differences between modular SCIF vendors to ensure your SCIF will be fully secure and accredited.
Armag’s SCIF Hits Every Target for Fort Hood IS&A
When Fort Hood needed support for its Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A) New Equipment Training (NET), they needed a facility that could meet the needs of their very specific application, and they needed it in short time. The Project Manager (PM) Intelligence Systems & Analytics (IS&A) contacted Armag Corporation who designs and manufactures their proprietary A.R.C. Vault SCIF...
Patented Design Achieves High-Strength RF/HEMP Protection For Modular Facilities
With the growing use of digital and wireless technologies, radio frequency and electromagnetic waves are a significant security concern. Any military, government, or civil agency can be vulnerable to the destructive force of a High-Altitude Electro Magnetic Pulse (HEMP). Additionally, facilities needing to securely process and store data need to protect against internal RF and electromagnetic emanations (TEMPEST)...
Innovative Bunker Provides Vital Support To Air Force Program
A new munitions bunker is now officially open for business following a ribbon cutting ceremony on Edwards Air Force Base, California. The new bunker is 5,000 square feet and can be internally configured through eight modular sections. It is designed to store high-class munitions...
Joint Munitions Command Ammo Expert Earns Honor
ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL — Mike Walsh, ammunition expert, recently was recognized as the Department of the Army’s Quality Assurance Specialist Ammunition Surveillance of the Year for fiscal year 2017. Walsh was selected for the honor as a result...